Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Well,Im finally here: College. And I just have to say, this is the weirdest thing ever. I mean, I knew that college was coming, but its here! IM HERE! I have an apartment, I have roomates! I have homework! (well I had homework before, but this is COLLEGE homework! Completely different.) I can say what I want, eat what I want, DO what I want. That all being said, its not really what I thought it would like. Everyone grows up hearing what college is like: the partys that never end, the teachers being way to rude, and of course getting away with never going to school. But what is it realy like?? Parties always end, teachers can actually be very nice, and their are ALWAYS consequences if you dont go to school. You could even be kicked OUT of school if you dont go! ITS JUST LIKE HIGH SCHOOL, ONLY NOT!What do I have to say to hollywood for filling my brain with all of these expectations??? FALSE! FALSE I TELL YOU. Why is that movies, and tv shows, are always filling my brain with all this bulshlavick??? Thats the real problem here, cant they just write a show that is kind, sorta, really, realistic?? Other than that(plus the fact that hollywood is lying to us), im really loving it:)EVERYONE should go to college. If not for the learning, for the moving out of the parentals house. FOR SERIOUS.

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